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The Maranatha Church of God is a Bible Believing church nestled in the small mountain range village of Kalaheo, Hawaii.  It is a beautiful setting where the church is perched near the top of the cresting knoll on Main Street reminding us of the Lord's reference in Matthew 5:14 “A city on a hill cannot be hidden."


The word “Maranatha” is taken from I Corinthians 16:22 and simply means, “come Lord Jesus”.  Come and visit us at Maranatha Church of God.  What you will find is a community of believers who will welcome you as we pray, worship, and study God's Holy Word together – until Jesus comes again!   



Love God | Live Jesus | Light the world


The first half of this equation is derived from what Jesus taught as the summary of all the Law – Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.


The second half refers back to the city on the hill in Matthew 5:14!  When we internalize our love and dedication to God and commit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ – we are changed to the image of Christ where His light will shine through us in the darkness of this world.



Shining the light of God’s love to the city of Kalaheo, the island of Kauai and beyond by emphasizing prayer as the foundation and building with:


  • Sound teaching from God’s holy Word


  • Solid worship from the heart


  • Sweet fellowship



  • Prayer

  • Caring, loving relationships

  • Local and global outreach

  • Building strong families

  • Christ-like service

  • Expository Bible preaching

  • In-depth, practical teaching

  • Authenticity and accountability

  • Reaching poor and needy

  • Vibrant, Spirit-filled worship

  • Fellowship

  • Unity



Dave and Teresa Pennington


Dave and Teresa were married in 1981 and traveled the globe with their three children (Daniel, Amanda and Ashley) serving in a 32 year career with the U. S. Navy.


During those years of travel all over the globe, they worked in multiple areas of lay ministry and served in leadership positions, in a variety of churches.  They completed the Ministerial Internship Program in 1998 on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.


After retirement from the Navy they lived in Washington D.C. and were comfortable with 11 grandchildren and a track towards retirement when God gave the call to Kauai in 2018.


Dave and Teresa were excited to have the opportunity to come back to the islands after 20 years and feel honored to Pastor the Maranatha Church of God and love the people of Kauai.


We are part of the

Church of God 

Based in Cleveland, TN

Statement of Faith

The Church of God believes the whole Bible to be completely and equally inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that it is the Word of God.


The following Doctrinal Commitments represent the core beliefs of the denomination as outlined in Scripture.

Service Times: Sundays at 10:00 AM Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Maranatha Church of God

2-2503 Kaumuali'i Hwy, Kalaheo, HI 96741

808.332.8460 |

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